September 2014
Lost in your Leaving
Scudding with a Chance of Wonder
Ludlow and Vine
Dog Breath
Dead South
First Blush
The Throat of Peace
Rula and Jabreel, 15
Lost in your Leaving
Dawn strokes this sky
from a pallet of remorse.
Dark oils of doubt,
like an artery let
upon a bed of jagged glass,
a morning left on these sheets,
lost in your leaving.

Scudding with a Chance of Wonder
Sun startles the moors
in a splash of tangled white
of spirit shadows - shades
haunting the old soil graves.
Their sudden glints,
like crystals from a shaker,
sprites in a ballroom of gloom.
Winds whipped flourishes
their sylph clouds dancing,
in a manic chaos of sky.
Arteries of light
as if Pollack were peeing
great skeins of his madness to the floor. |
Ludlow and Vine
Love came through the window
as you stopped to buy apples
and a spray of violets,
freshly watered,
catching blue and gold
off the morning light.
That market is gone now,
a watch repair,
next to Sheila Indigo’s
‘Tattoos for your Soul’.
Your step clacked the walk,
your pleated hem pranced
through the lemon white light
down the throat of Ludlow at Vine.
I don’t see like I did then,
the light is muted,
color loses its mystique
when love has moved on.
But I can still see you turn
to catch my voyeur’s gaze.
I still see that grin
as I beckoned you closer.
I still see your eyes
catching the blue and the gold
of that morning light
of Ludlow at Vine.

Dog Breath
The sky lifted
lead to pewter to a delicate foil,
shimmering with spring,
with the first songs of green.
The land sighed.
You could feel the exhale,
the relief,
the grim smile relaxing.
I went out upon the levy,
Gracie’s barking behind me,
her glee beyond me,
lapping my cheeks
knee deep in the grass.
We dogs love our spring
in its wee bit of splendor.
We dogs love a morning
when our owner’s cuddle,
laugh in great guffaws… and coo.

Dead South
No one touches my heart
like the ghost of us,
the remnants
draping these rebel blue skies
where I’ve tried to bury you.
I hear the gun fire smacking,
feel the whip-snick puff of shot,
the cries of soldiers
dying in the Carolina brine.
I feel the drapes of your longing,
your grief, pulling the soil over me,
just as I gave my rifle,
my life to General Lee…
as I take you down under
these red clay sheets.
First Blush
as if leavened,
as if infused.
That’s what you felt like.
As if imbued with lemon breath,
as if more than you ever were without.
falling through miles,
through years of life,
hands high in the air
as the car grips fragile rails.
Beating inside out…
Aerosols of light in your lungs,
your throat tight
with a flutter of stuttering words,
as your mind falls
a quiver in your lap
a hormone jelly,
a great fury of quail in the knees.

Touch those streets
and you will tap your feet
to Motown and these Decca 45s.
Release those beats
and your thighs can’t help it.
Your lap will ooze as it writhes for more.
Let Marvin take your mind
through his crooning sins of skin,
let Smokey shape your lips
the Temps tease your hips,
let a Rainy Night in Georgia take you home.

The Throat of Peace
I abhor the costs of war,
the politics, the power,
the size of the cocks they sway.
The bullets that kill for peace.
the arms sold for balance,
for parity, for justice.
I detest the costs imposed of religion,
the martyrs, the guilty,
the coffers, the waste,
the blood spilled for babies,
the hypocrisies of churches
the gold they hoard
while the poor observe and pray.
I loathe the power
that drives it all.
the minds,
the wallets,
the spending,
the water,
the morality of life.
I despise the machine,
the me, my, mine -
the survival of the fittest animal,
the hormonal soups
that drive our species
to sexual conquest, to rape.
The claws always reaching
for the throat of peace.
Rula and Jabreel, 15
We cling, eyes glazed
amidst the rebar and rubble,
Klaxon blare
and the feeble lights flutter
as soldier shadows with TAR-21s
grow high and recede on graffitied walls.
We pray to allah,
to the powers,
to the insane of politics,
for family,
for food,
for safety and peace.
for a future.
For quiet in our love,
in our ears,
for our fractured hearts,
for the clenched white knuckles
of our trembling hands.

I awoke to tempest
a Mariah’s bluster and stew,
every whistle and toot,
gusty missiles and fingers
thrust down every shoot.
Nature’s talons prying
into any orifice,
every crevice or pious crack.
as I fell back into the stream…
I awoke inside of a wake,
a funeral of love,
a bawdy celebration of life,
crushed with a sudden sorrow,
a morose bowl of memories -
dry blossoms in a grand crystal bowl,
they stirred as old skin,
rustling whispers,
as if to say brooding and selfish goodbyes.
as I fell back into the stream…
I awoke just beyond the grasp
of your arms straining,
reaching for me,
my hands restrained,
my fingers gloved,
your cheeks wet,
our collars broken
my heart so sore.
as I fell back into the stream…
I awoke in strangled sheets,
in a swaddling of sorrow,
in a rue of tangled percale,
in the midst of your roots and knots
that should have released me by now.